Thursday, June 24, 2010

Chirstmas in July - Starts TODAY!

It's so hot outside right now that we thought we'd turn up the heat a bit more and kick off Christmas In July one week early! Traditionally, this is the BEST sale of the year on cards, calendars and now canvases!  So why wait til December? Save now and spend the next few months creating beautiful projects for your family. And if you are a Club Premier member, you get a FREE's like an early Christmas present! :)

Order between now - June 30th and I will put your name in a drawing for Mystery Host. What does that mean? On June 30th, I will draw a name from everyone that places an order before then. If your name is drawn I will create a Workshop in your name, enter all the orders, and YOU get all the free host rewards!  You could very easily win up to $100 in free cool is that?
Call me at 208.731.0447 or email to order ~Shirley

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